Fara nici o ezitare NU.
Fara acces complet la arhive raspunsul nu avem cum sa il stim exact. In schimb adevarul operativ, ipoteza de lucru curenta, este ca da. Circumstantele trecutului si mai ales conduita prezenta nu fac decit sa intareasca aceasta ipoteza.
In ciclul despre lichele, vroiam astazi sa continui cu o intrare dedicata lui Victor Ponta. Intre timp am gasit in versiunea online a lui The Economist articolul Hiccups on the road to EU membership. Pe moment ma scuteste sa spun mai multe; cel putin pentru cei ce au auzit recent opiniile "experte" ale susnumitului.
In Romania, the upper house of parliament, the Senate, last week rejected a law that would have created a powerful new national anti-corruption department with the power to investigate legislators.
Then this week a parliamentary committee in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, rejected a request by the justice minister, Monica Macovei, to approve search warrants on a town house and country mansion bought cheaply by a former prime minister, Adrian Nastase. In a striking example of Romania's remaining distance from European ideas about conflict of interest, Mr Nastase himself chaired the committee. One of the ?big fish? now under investigation for corruption, he is due to be interviewed by prosecutors on February 16th (he denies all wrongdoing).
The Romanian authorities lost both votes because their supporters were absent. 24 members of the Senate stayed away; in Mr Nastase's committee, one key government supporter was ill; another, mysteriously, claimed a pressing engagement moments before the vote.
These are setbacks illustrating the weakness of Romania's government in giving its anti-corruption efforts teeth; they are not yet disasters. Foreign embassies, and an alliance of eight anti-corruption pressure groups, are urging the government to step up its political support for the new law, and for the thorough investigation of Mr Nastase.
An EU mission, including the Commission's secretary-general, José Manuel Barroso, and the enlargement commissioner, Olli Rehn, will visit the Balkans this week and chivvy the applicants further. That usually helps concentrate minds on adopting western norms, albeit belatedly and even superficially. But what happens once they are in?
Noile discutii despre reforma sistemului de sanatate aduc destul de des in fata microfoanelor diversi medici, adesea cu titluri si functii importante, afirmind pe un ton patetic, ca nu se poate arunca cu murdarie in intreaga profesiune medicala, ca cei care iau spaga, sau mai rau cei care conditioneaza actul medical de primirea unei plati, sint doar exceptii, rare si deplorabile, majoritatea medicilor sint niste eroi care se sacrifica complet atruist pentru binele pacientilor.
Citat din numarul din 1 Dec 2005 al The Economist, in articolul The rise of nearshoring -- outsourcing in eastern Europe:
Romanians largely "still don't get it -- they smoke in client meetings and cite official corruption as a competitive advantage," he says. That's a pity: in eCODE's comparative analyses, Romania is the most multilingual country in Europe after the Netherlands for potential business-process outsourcers and it can also demonstrate above-average IT skills.
Asta este concluzia la care repede ajungi ascultind discutia Andreei Pora cu Cosmin Gusa la Radio Mix, in noua versiune a emisiunii Romania la Raport ( Arunca cu afirmatii fara acoperire in stinga si in dreapta cu o nonsalanta descumpanitoare. Un individ care chiar crede ca poti spune orice atit timp cit o faci cu suficient de mult aplomb. Dovezi? Hai domne' sa nu ne pierdem timpul cu mizilicuri. Megaloman. La un moment dat vorbea despre sine in postura de viitor ministru, si nu o facea cu autoironie. Sa ne fereasca Dumnezeu!